Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Sunday, November 23, 2008

Tuesday, November 11, 2008

F A L L I N G L E A V E S are a pain in the ...

This time of year - is pretty with the all the colors of the leaves - but man I hate to pick them up! It is like a never ending task. Rake them, bag them, turn around and do it all over again, and again, and again. Then I have a dog that wants to lay in the middle of them. Guess she thinks it is a dog bed or something.
Little Miss Gracie playing in them. Boy she thought it was too funny to mess up the pile after Tom raked them all up!!

Try to get two crazy dogs to sit still with a little one long enough to get a picture. Not happening - as you can see one of them is already getting up!
Then they decide to wrestle right in the middle of the pile. After they ran through them and spread them all over the yard. See told you it was a never ending job - had to rake them up again after they were done. Now they are all over the yard again - so looks like this weekend I (notice I said I) will be at it again! Mr. Tom starts to help, them disappears. He has to check the scores of the football games. Whatever!

Happy Fall Y'All!!!!

Hello - Hello - Hello-

Had breakfast this morning with Gracie at her school. We played with playdough, colored, did some puzzles and ate. It was fun!