Sunday, June 1, 2008

Big Blog challenge...

So I am doing this blog challenge with a lot of other people on where everyday there is something different to blog about. So not much to say for today, except I am slow getting to the first day of the challenge. But I have good reasons - power washing the driveway & sidewalk (which takes forever!!) and grocery shopping (I hate grocery shopping). I don't soo much hate shopping - I just hate all the people that have nothing better to do but stand in the middle of the aisles. Shopping carts should come with horns since some people have no idea what "excuse me" means. Anyway till tomorrow....chow!!


Me said...

Amen, girlfriend. Amen!

LAURA said...

I hate grocery shopping too. Too bad it's so necessary! Cute header for your blog, btw.

Sarah said...

I hear you!! What is up with people not saying excuse me?!?! I feel like ramming them with my cart!! lol

Ellie said...

Don't talk to me about power washing, I'm still waiting for a part to come in so we could do the house. :( And I know what you mean about those people in the aisles who are in another world. LOL

Margy said...

LOL! I am one of those people who stand there with a dazed look! Don't poke me with your horns! I never know what is going on! ~Margy

All That Chit Chat said...

Hi, I'm going to be bloggin' big, too! Nice to meet you!

Angela V. said...

Ha! Thats funny! I hate to grocery shop though, just the whole thing is annoying. Luckily for me, my husband doesn't mind and he'll go without me and the kids, so I get to avoid the aisle dazers!