Monday, June 23, 2008


So nothing bothers me more than all the rude and inconsiderate people in the world today. What ever happened to saying "thank you" to someone who holds the door for you? How about the total disrespect when people are driving today and they make an error but flip you the bird! The lack of the word "excuse me" aggrevates me to no end. Like, hey you just bumped into me - does excuse me mean anything to you?? I use it! My dad would have knocked me simple if I acted like a fool and disrespected somebody. The other thing that really bothers me is lazy people that don't want to work and pay their way, yet they can abuse the system. Don't get me wrong - if you are down on your luck and you need assistance - I am all for it. But I was in the grocery store the other day and the cashier had the nerve to ask the guy in front of me why he was paying for formula. He responded that it was for his baby, and her response was why are you paying for it - you can get it for free and have $75 in your pocket! Um excuse me, you get it for free when you seriously need help - not just because you don't want to pay for it. Anyway I need to stop or this could be a looonngg post. So toodles!


Ellie said...

I agree with that so many people take advantage of the system, yet when someone really needs the help they make you jump through hoops.

Anonymous said...

Yes, the world is changing.
I think all the "entertainment" we see on TV, the crimes, blood, guts, gore, the language, all gives permission to people to behave that way in real life.

I limited my vent to five complaints. LOL

Margy said...

I agree with you especially on the rude people! The sad thing in this world is that grocery stores keep formula locked up, because people steal it.... How sad is that a parent has to steal food for their baby... the thought tears me up.

Me said...

I can't even handle it!

Helena said...

OOH don't want to get started!!!